In this guide I will create bootable USB installer using latest MyHack 3.3.1. Process is quite the same like in the older versions of Myhack, the only thing diferent now is an option to create latest 10.9 Mavericks. Again, no terminal or coding required, just use this simple tool to create your own bootable USB installer. Continue reading How to create bootable Mavericks 10.9.1 USB installer using myHack
Tag Archives: USB Installer
How to create bootable Mountain Lion 10.8.2 USB installer using myHack
MyHack is quite popular hackintosh installation tool, functionality is more less the same as tonymacx86’s Unibeast + Multibeast installation method. This method is fairly simple and straightforward, no terminal or coding required, just use this simple tool graphical interface to create your own bootable USB installer. Continue reading How to create bootable Mountain Lion 10.8.2 USB installer using myHack
How to create bootable Mountain Lion 10.8.2 USB installer
There are numerous ways to create bootable USB installer for hackintosh, most of them are Chameleon based and Unibeast is just one of them. The installation process is quite simple if you bought your copy from App store. Download Unibeast and just follow tonymacx86 instructions and you are good to go. But you should consider that tonymacx86 is not an open source and therefore is not in OSx86 spirit. Also apparently he stole the code from qoopz , nawcom , AnV and few others that made the legacy kernel. Here is one great explanation why you should not use tonymacx86, and here is another.
But there is another way to install it and even more, it supports raw installESD.dmg instalation, it’s called myHack, it’s Chameleon based USB Instaler + after install utility. MyHack functionality is more less the same as Unibeast + Multibeast, just simplier and better…
Continue reading How to create bootable Mountain Lion 10.8.2 USB installer