Intel HD 3000 graphics is integrated inside the Intel’s 2nd-generation processors (known as “Sandy Bridge” processors), it works only with Os X Lion and Mountain Lion and probably will work with new upcoming Os X 10.9. The VGA port is not working (Macs don’t use VGA ports). You have to use DVI or HDMI port. If you are not already using chimera bootloader, make a fresh install of Os X Lion or ML with latest Unibeast bootloader and Multibeast after install utility.
To enable Intel HD3000 graphics on your Hackintosh, first go to BIOS and under “Advanced BIOS Features” tab select “On-Chip Frame Buffer Size” (Gigabyte motherboars only, other brands might call it different). This sets how much video RAM your processor’s HD 3000 graphics will use. If your Hackintosh has 4 GB of RAM, set video RAM to “384MB”. For 8 GB of RAM, set video RAM to “480MB”.
Now you should proceed with your Os X installation, don’t forget to select other Bios features if this is a fresh install, or boot to your system if already installed.
Check this tutorial for full process of Hackintosh installation.
After you finish installation reboot and download latest Multibeast from tonymacx86 website, run it and select Chimera Bootloader located under Drivers and Bootloaders – Bootloaders (don’t need to select it if already installed).
Select Mac mini from Customization – System Definitions which enables the built-in HD 3000 drivers, which are turned of by default. (again, don’t forget to select other Multibeast features if this is a fresh install).
Close multibeast and Reboot, now Mac OS X Lion should display in full resolution, and full QE/CI graphics acceleration.
If you see occasional artifacts on your screen install FakeSMC from latest Multibeast. You can find it under Drivers and Bootloaders – Drivers – Miscellaneous. Be sure to use latest Multibeast version which contain FakeSMC 4.2.
For resolutions greater than 1366×768 you will need to inject DualLink property in the display device with DSDT Editor. Follow this hackintosh tutorial to find out how to patch DSDT with code bellow.
into device name_adr 0x00020000 insert
Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
Store (Package (0x02)\n
Buffer (0x04)\n
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00\n
}, Local0)\n
DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
Return (Local0)\n
And that should be it, reboot and enjoy your new hackintosh!