Ati Radeon Sapphire HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 on OSX 10.9 Mavericks

radeon HD6670

I tested this card with 10.9.1 and also updated 10.9.2 versions of Mavericks, both with positive and good results. Os X was installed via myHack 3.3.1, with Chameleon 2.2 SVN 2266 boot loader included in this myHack version.

Before instalation, to prepare your USB installer rename  default AMD6000Controller.kext (previously called ATI6000Controller.kext ) to smth like AMD6000Controller.kextback to disable it. If not disabled you will get “white screen with a cursor” error and your system won’t start at all.  Install your system as usual using myhack install method. Note that old kexts in 10.8 and earlier versions was named with ATI prefix, Apple renamed them to AMD for some reason in newer version.

Kext needed for this card to work properly are all included in default free Mavericks 10.9 from App store  and they are:

There is no need to modify any of them. Device id and vendor id are defined in AMDRadeonX3000.kext ( 0x67581002 ) inside info.plist file somewhere near the end under “AMDTurksGraphicsAccelerator”.

Also with this new kexts and latest myHack 3.3.1 there is no need to use flags such  AtiConfig and AtiPorts, just simple “GraphicsEnabler=Yes” will be enough + in some cases I had too add “PciRoot=1” .  In the case you need it here is my working Boot.plist:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>

Only bug I noticed on this card was like in earlier versions, just a litlle blink on mac osx boot screen while card is loaded. Besides that everything works perfectlly normal. Wish you luck 🙂

3 thoughts on “Ati Radeon Sapphire HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 on OSX 10.9 Mavericks

  1. With me, ASUS 6670 1GB DDR5 (DVI,HDMI,DP) just GraphicsEnabler=Yes AtiConfig=Lotus on 10.8.x and 10.9.x (i much remove all AppleIntelHD because CPU i3 – 3220 have HD2500) with GraphicsEnabler=Yes only my screen just white.

  2. Bro i have an Ati Radeon HD 6670 1GB DDR3 Shappire Edition, my system booted mac but when i restart and try to complete the rest of the needed information…my pc hangs, it just stops, and again i have to restart, but it doesn’t work, i have booted with GraphicsEnabler=NO, i need your help, i read your article, but didn’t understand about the Kext, is it a command, please help me out i cant afford to buy a new I mac, plz help me out

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